Saturday, August 11, 2007


From This is true

Forget "compare and contrast"; schoolchildren now learn "text-to-text connections".

They don't go to "home room" but rather "Achievement Time" or, in some schools, "Time to Care".

The temporary classroom is now a "learning cottage" rather than a "trailer".

Even the humble essay is gone, replaced by the "extended constructed response".

"If teachers want to talk in those terms among themselves, they're welcome to," says Vocabulary Review publisher Hartwell Fiske. "But introducing children to them is criminal, dehumanizing." Students agree. "It's like renaming a prison 'The Happy Fun Place'," complains a Maryland senior. "Tests should be called tests. 'Brief constructed response'; you just wonder why they don't say 'paragraph'." (Washington Post)

...It's nice that kids still get to learn about George Orwell.

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