Monday, February 23, 2009

The Importance of Cross Cultural Communication

The workforce today is considered to be the most diverse in our society to date. The fact that 4 generations of people are all actively working will certainly have some communication barriers or challenges, not to mention that employees of various cultures, ethnicities, disabilities, age groups, etc. will have another set of challenges comingling as one. The key to working with such a diverse group of employees is simple in theory.... more

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Famous misquotations

"The British are coming!" – Paul Revere [C] Revere's mission depended on secrecy and the countryside was filled with British army patrols; also, most colonial residents at the time considered themselves British. The quotation is more likely based on (although not taken verbatim from) the later famous poem "Paul Revere's Ride." The alarm, if Revere had said it out loud, would most likely have been worded, "The Regulars are coming out!" This one and many more from the Wikipedia page List of Misquotations

Banish the Presenter Box

It's time to stop hiding behind a mask when you present. Instead, think of public speaking as an exploration of your personal boundaries and limits—and the opportunity to be yourself. (A commentary) ... more

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Want to change the way people respond to you?

This is the key to what's been holding you back your entire life!

Skyrocket Your Self Esteem, Transform Your Voice in Minutes A Day, Eliminate Fear of Public Speaking... And Command Instant Respect From The People You Meet.

Now for the first time, you can discover:

• The one mistake even professional singers make that drains the power from their voice... and the secret pencil trick that shortcuts your way to a voice that commands respect.

• How to master your natural voice in the shortest time possible... while you improve your level of communication with everyone you meet! (You'll learn everything those stars paid thousands of dollars for!)

• Why "beginners" are able to use these simple techniques to quickly surpass more experienced professionals... even if you sound like the Wicked Witch of the West!

• How an ordinary pillow helped all-pro linebacker Dick Butkus transform from football star to television analyst. (Not one voice coach in a thousand even suspects the power of this simple technique!)

• A stunning secret revealed by singer Mel Torme which offers an insight into his lifetime success.

• How to instantly diagnose mistakes in your voice — so you'll never have a communication problem again. No one will ever mistake what you are saying.

• How Lucie Arnaz overcame an allergic reaction that inflamed her vocal folds and used an instant mind-body secret to sing like a nightingale! • How you can dictate your own identity to the world – as you want it to be – and not have it dictated to you!

"My Name Is Bond – James Bond""Arthur Joseph started as a teacher of mine years ago. Over these years, he has become a good friend whose teachings of Vocal Awareness have become a constant in my life. He enlightens with compassion and understanding of the human spirit and above all else, it works." - Pierce Brosnan, Actor

Isn't it frustrating? You speak as clear as a bell and people misunderstand what you say. Even worse, people misjudge you for no apparent reason! People spend thousands on Lasik surgery to improve their eyes, tens of thousands to change their nose, cheeks, and chest, yet not a penny to change the way they sound. But for the first time ever...

You Can Transform Your Life in Minutes A Day! Get more information, now, on the Vocal Power Course.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Money Inspires People to Lose Weight, Study Says

If the long-term health benefits of weight loss do not inspire people to diet and exercise, some immediate financial incentives just might, a study published Tuesday suggests.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Icoste books Icoste features thousands of books for many types of interest. They also claim to find the cheapest one for you on the internet saving you time and effort.

Books _ This week’s Must-reads …

A Fraction of the Whole by Steve Stolz
The Lost Dog by Michelle de Kretser
The Night Has a Thousand Eyes by Mandy Sayer
Under a Blood Red Sky by Kate Furnivall
The Lieutenant by Kate Grenville
You can read all the reviews of these books at

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Video - Managing your communication skills

Communication skills is a never ending journey of discovery, of ourselves, and of others. This presentation provides the most accessible techniques for improving and perfecting your communication skills.

Test your spelling

Results from a Spelling Society survey reveal that we are a society that can't spell. But is our 'irregular' spelling system holding us back? Whether you're one of the 25% of adults who reckons they have a 'problem' with spelling, or the 66% who spurns the use of a spell-checker, try our fiendish test to find out whether your spelling is a recommendation, or just an embarrassment. And just to make it more difficult for US readers – who performed less well in the Spelling Society survey – UK spelling rules apply

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Every presentation is an opportunity to improve

Every audience is an opportunity to improve your skills. Every audience is an opportunity to do better than last time. (Here's an example from a previous post.)Whether an audience is big or small, or your presentation is ten minutes or 90 minutes long, every audience deserves your best.